
August Gilbreath - Street Magician and Escape Artist
Since 2009 August Gilbreath has shunned the traditional job path and chosen the one of magician and performer. In this short time he has brought a unique creativity to the traditional variety arts and...
- Magicians
- Novelty Comics
- Novelty Variety Acts
- Corporate Entertainers
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Schools and Libraries
- Theme Parties

Beth Byrd - Mime & Clown
Beth Byrd is a serious artist in a funny way. She has studied diligently with the master of mime and clowning in order to be the best fool there is. Granted, a true fool need never study, but it never...
- Novelty Variety Acts
- Stage Acts
- Strolling Performances
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Schools and Libraries
- Theme Parties

Brian Wendling - Comedy,Juggling, Energy!
Not just another pretty face and definitely not just another juggler! Bryan has won national awards with his skill and won over every audience with his enthusiasm. His peers hold him in high regard fo...
- Jugglers
- Stage Acts
- Strolling Performances
- Corporate Entertainers
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Schools and Libraries
- Theme Parties

Comic Waiter - Funny food Server!
Our waiter this evening will be the worst server you ever had…and the hit of your party! Roland will fall allover himself to pour on the charm - and anything else he's carrying! Combining class...
- Novelty Comics
- Novelty Variety Acts
- Party Service
- Strolling Performances
- Corporate Entertainers
- Other Venues
- Theme Parties

Damian Blake - Charlie Chaplin Impersonator
Damian'simpersonation of Charlie the Tramp comes not only from his deep admiration for Chaplin the artist, but also for the unique everyman-character he created. Having studied every detail of Charlie...
- Novelty Comics
- Novelty Variety Acts
- Stage Acts
- Strolling Performances
- Corporate Entertainers
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Theme Parties

David Kious - The Clean Comedian
A FEW WORDS ABOUT DAVID KIOUS "He's uglier than a Patty Melt, but better looking than Fried Chicken." David Kious is one of the funniest feature comedians currently touring the Midwest. After years of...
- Stand-Up Comedians
- Stage Acts
- Corporate Entertainers
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Theme Parties

Dennis Porter - Under The Big Top Show
Dennis is the consumate entertainer - He sings, dances, juggles and does magic all with the biggest smile you've ever seen. His uplifting mood is completely contagious as you find yourself singing alo...
- Jugglers
- Magicians
- Party Service
- Stage Acts
- Strolling Performances
- Fairs and Festivals
- Schools and Libraries
- Theme Parties

Elliot Threatt - STANDOUT Comedian
Elliott Threatt has been playing the comedy game for more than 20 years and has the pedigree to show for it. His first released CD, "Biscuits Made From Scratch and Other Funny Stuff," was nominated fo...
- Stand-Up Comedians
- Stage Acts
- Corporate Entertainers

Fancy Faces - Face and body painters
Fancy Face Painting at it's best. Imagine the fun and excitement that Face Painters will add to your special occasion. Watch as a talented face painter transforms your guests right before your eyes. T...
- Party Service
- Strolling Performances
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Theme Parties

Fine Tooners - Caricaturists
Whether you want a gift that will thrill or you simply want to see how you'd look at a caricature, The Fine Tooners have you covered! These skilled artists are famous for creating stunning caricatures...
- Party Service
- Strolling Performances
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Theme Parties

Hedge People - Living Topiary!
Have a tree hug with some amazing real life Hedge People! Introducing one of the planet's most quirky, outrageous and downright silly walkabout entertainment acts - The Living Topiary! Straight from t...
- Novelty Variety Acts
- Party Service
- Strolling Performances
- Corporate Entertainers
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Theme Parties

Hi Pockets Parade - Stiltwalking Comic Characters
The Hi-Pockets Parade™ is the creation of Richard Renner, a one man circus of variety arts skills, ranging from pantomime to slapstick, acrobatics to juggling, unicycling to… STILTWALKING!Take a look ...
- Novelty Variety Acts
- Strolling Performances
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Theme Parties

Jason D'Vaude - Fire Juggler
Jason brings to the Midwest an array of skills including fire twirling, handstands, fire eating, unicycling, knife juggling, chinese yoyo, stilting, and sleight of hand—a skill set not usually f...
- Jugglers
- Magicians
- Stage Acts
- Strolling Performances
- Corporate Entertainers
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Theme Parties

Jeff Rosenblatt - The Mechanical Man
Is he real? Is he a Toy? What do I say to him if he speaks? These questions and more come to mind as your crowd watches Jeff do his mechanical mime thing. It's an amazing act of dexterity and control ...
- Novelty Variety Acts
- Strolling Performances
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Theme Parties

Juggling Jesters - Classic Clowning
This isKent and Kevin Mercerand YES! They are twins(both of them)! Being two captivatingentertainers, the two of them are always looking for an opportunity to perform and delight!They have traveled al...
- Jugglers
- Novelty Comics
- Novelty Variety Acts
- Party Service
- Stage Acts
- Strolling Performances
- Fairs and Festivals
- Schools and Libraries
- Theme Parties

Keith Leff - Magic Comedy - Award Winning Magician
We proudly introduces Keith Leff, one of the hottest and most sought after magical entertainers in the Midwest. He has been voted 'Best Magician' in Kansas City for four years, and has received the pr...
- Magicians
- Stage Acts
- Strolling Performances
- Corporate Entertainers
- Fairs and Festivals
- Theme Parties

Kevin Horner - The Man with a Thousand Voices
Kevin has 20 years experience and is a 3 times Peoples Choice Award winner for the art of Ventriloquism. After spending a number of years performing for families and kids,through the years, hisshow ha...
- Magicians
- Novelty Comics
- Novelty Variety Acts
- Stand-Up Comedians
- Ventriloquists
- Stage Acts
- Corporate Entertainers
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Schools and Libraries

Korso the Curious - Mind Blowing Magic
If you want to make your next event a hit and leave your guests thoroughly delighted, you want Korso the Curious there! Provide your guests with first class entertainment and no longer have to worry, ...
- Magicians
- Stage Acts
- Strolling Performances
- Corporate Entertainers
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Schools and Libraries
- Theme Parties

Laughing Matters - Mime, Juggling and other Nonsense
Unrestrained squeals of delight and adult size roars of laughter follow every action from this delightful duo. Jay and Leslie Cady prove over and over again that Laughing does matter. Their act involv...
- Jugglers
- Stage Acts
- Strolling Performances
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Schools and Libraries
- Theme Parties

Martika Daniels - Sideshow Stunt woman
Stuntwoman and sideshow performer Martika offers a variety of entertainment services, guaranteed to liven up your event. As a solo sideshow performer, she's been featured at banquets, festivals, and o...
- Jugglers
- Novelty Comics
- Novelty Variety Acts
- Party Service
- Stage Acts
- Strolling Performances
- Corporate Entertainers
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Theme Parties

Priscilla Howe - Storyteller
All of Priscilla's stories start with a seed of truth. From there it is watered with imagination and set out before the sun to grow. A little light on any subject tends to make things bigger you know....
- Novelty Variety Acts
- Stage Acts
- Strolling Performances
- Corporate Entertainers
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Schools and Libraries
- Theme Parties

Read All About It! - With the Vodvill Klown
One of the America's most beloved clowns bring his talents to school to illustrate the Joy of Reading. For over 16 years Richard Renner has brought the joy of laughter to kids across the country and n...
- Stage Acts
- Other Venues
- Schools and Libraries
- Theme Parties

ReBot the Robot - The Recycling Robot!
Make saving the planet fun with Re-Bot the Recycling Robot! Re-bot joyfully shares his message of reducing, reusing and recycling in a re-diculous way with everyone he meets. Kids giggle and play, Adu...
- Novelty Variety Acts
- Party Service
- Strolling Performances
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Schools and Libraries
- Theme Parties

ReCycle Cycle - Environmental Entertainment
Reduce, ReUse and Recycle in a Re-Diculous Way! Bring EnvironMental Education and Entertainment To Your Event! When the Recycle Cycle stops to perform the environment lights up with action, sound and ...
- Novelty Variety Acts
- Strolling Performances
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Schools and Libraries
- Theme Parties

ReCycle Show - with the Vodvill Klown
The ReCycle Show REduce, REuse and REcycle in a REdiculous way! Richard Renner, our goofy garbage man, will lead your students through the wonderful world of trash and resources with wacky inventions,...
- Stage Acts
- Other Venues
- Schools and Libraries
- Theme Parties

Richard Holmgren - Comedy, Juggling, Escape Artist
Flying Debris, starring Richard Holmgren, is an entertaining and amazing show that is specifically tailored to your audience. Richard is not just another pretty face -- he's a rare blend of talent, sk...
- Jugglers
- Novelty Comics
- Stage Acts
- Strolling Performances
- Corporate Entertainers
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Schools and Libraries
- Theme Parties

Richard Renner the Vodvill Klown - Slapstick and Circus Arts
Actor, Juggler, Orangutan, Poet and Fool all describe Richard Renner as performs his special brand of humor. Whether juggling, unicycling, ropewalking, or creating a zany improvisation, Richard perfor...
- Jugglers
- Novelty Variety Acts
- Stage Acts
- Strolling Performances
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Schools and Libraries
- Theme Parties

Robert and Valerie Wolf - The Abracadabra Extravaganza!
Robert and Valerieprovide afun, high energy & very interactive magic showthat will help make youreventa celebration to remember. Theyget everyone involved in the show, and theycan payspecial attention...
- Jugglers
- Magicians
- Novelty Variety Acts
- Stage Acts
- Strolling Performances
- Corporate Entertainers
- Fairs and Festivals
- Schools and Libraries
- Theme Parties

Sandy Lee as Professor Farquar - Musician and Magician
History never sounded so good as when it is heard through the music of Professor Barnswallow T. Farquar. As a professional musician, magician, and raconteur, the good Professor creates a show like the...
- Children's Music
- Magicians
- Stage Acts
- Strolling Performances
- Corporate Entertainers
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Schools and Libraries
- Theme Parties

StatuEscapades - Living Statues
A StatuEscapade™ Statue is a work of art and more! What looks like a classic Greek or roman statue when still becomes a modern scene stealer when moving. Their absurd antics will make a grand impressi...
- Party Service
- Strolling Performances
- Corporate Entertainers
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Theme Parties

Stone Lion Puppets - Puppetry and Marionettes
Using multiple styles of puppetry, including marionettes, masks, shadow, mouth, and rod puppets, StoneLion Puppet Theatre brings the magic of world-class puppet shows right to your doorstep! Shows are...
- Stage Acts
- Strolling Performances
- Corporate Entertainers
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Schools and Libraries
- Theme Parties

The Balloon Masters - John & Johna Perry
There are balloon artists like every one else and then there are balloon masters like John & Johna Perry. They do more with a piece of latex rubber than Picasso did with a brush! Their creations are u...
- Party Service
- Strolling Performances
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Theme Parties

The Party Police! - Highly skilled insecurity guard
Have a party the way you've always wanted. You know - where no one double dips the salsa, ice is not allowed to melt in drinks and the seasonal fashion laws are strictly enforced ("I'm sorry sir but t...
- Party Service
- Strolling Performances
- Other Venues
- Theme Parties

Todd Lamanske - Comedy Magic - Clean, Corporate and Crazy
You've had the cocktails, the dinner and the speeches but now you need something to end the evening with a bang!Todd's stand-up comedy/magic show is just the ticket. This high-energy show combines hil...
- Magicians
- Novelty Comics
- Stand-Up Comedians

Tricks of the Light - Fire Dance Troupe
Tricks of the Light will show you the next level of fire spinning! The duo dances with flames, draws with light, and defies the danger of the elements. Featuring the talents of Cyricx, the martial art...
- Novelty Variety Acts
- Stage Acts
- Strolling Performances
- Corporate Entertainers
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Theme Parties

Voler - Thieves of Flight, Aerial Artists
Aerial artistry has come of age and is presented by this group with grace and daring. Suspended by fabric above the crowds, they move to music and create a scene that is both breathtaking and beautifu...
- Novelty Variety Acts
- Stage Acts
- Corporate Entertainers
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Theme Parties

Wolf's Wild Variety Show - Fire Eating, Sword Swallowing and Juggling
Wolf's Wild Variety Showcombines circus & theater in a unique intermingling of a variety of performance art. But they don't let that get in the way of having a great time. They put Sword Swallowing - ...
- Jugglers
- Magicians
- Novelty Variety Acts
- Stage Acts
- Strolling Performances
- Corporate Entertainers
- Fairs and Festivals
- Other Venues
- Schools and Libraries
- Theme Parties